Happy Valentines Day everyone!
I wanted to write this blog post to remind us of a person we all tend to neglect every now and then. A person we know who deserves the best, but is constantly being sacrificed for the sake of others. A person who is worthy of all your love. That person is you.
For singles, Valentines day can be a bitter reminder, or an annoyance. For couples, this day can hold onto a lot of expectations for some. But for a day of love, we must remind ourselves that you don't have to wait for someone to give you the love you know you deserve; love yourself more.
I am a believer of treating yourself. To be honest, I probably have been treating myself too much! But, it was one of my New Year resolutions to remind myself to take a step back, relax, and treat myself every now and then. In order to give love, you must love yourself first. How will you be able to give the people you care about all of your love, if you don't have any left for yourself?
Take care of home first!
These are 5 things that you can do to remind yourself that this holiday isn't just about significant others, but about love in every aspect of life. Whether that be self-love and self-care, reminding your friends that they are loved, or spending time with your family.
- Spa day - Do not underestimate the power of a spa day, a massage, or getting your nails done. I always feel better after a day at the spa and Groupon always has great deals for this!
- Making it a friends day! - Or what I'd like to call Pal-entines Day! Funny how this year V-Day falls on $2 Tuesdays. There are loads of deals going on that you can do with your friends!
- Spending time with your family - Remind your family that they are loved. Spend some quality time with them, it will not only make them feel special, but it will make you feel happy as well!
- Treat Yo' Self - buy yourself something nice, treat yourself to your favorite meal, pour yourself a glass of wine, run a bath, TREAT YO' SELF hunny!
- Words of affirmation - Remember to love yourself. Remember to tell yourself that you deserve the things you ask for in life. Don't ever feel like you have to settle. Above all, remind yourself that you are worthy of your love.
I wish you all a Happy Valentines Day!